En Indonésie, une séquence étonnante immortalisée par le photographe Eko Adiyanto | Les Colocs du jardin | Scoop.it

Photographer Eko Adiyanto, 43, captured the incredible scene in the front garden of his home in West Java, Indonesia


Un-bee-lievable! Amazing ant is photographed lifting a bee five times its size - before pals come to help - Mirror Online

By Jamie Smith

19 Jul 2017




He said: “These pictures show us just how strong ants are and it’s a great example of good team work.

“I have observed and studied their behaviour and habits for a long time but I still feel very lucky to have experienced and witnessed this phenomenal event.

“I think the images are amazing. These ants are small animals but have enormous strength and are able to work together.”


[Image] The tough trio haul the bee off to their nest (Image:

Caters News Agency)




Voir aussi


→ The Strong Ant by Eko Adiyanto https://www.pinterest.fr/pin/285063851386438243/